Chip Off

Adams-Maxwell, located in Southern California, now offers a five day training workshop in chip-off forensics, which includes full training and instruction on effective use of the 1820 Chip Off System. Those who complete the training will receive a training ceritficate, and also qualify for discounted pricing on the 1820 Chip Off System.

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1820 Chip-off System
A new product line to assit in Computer Forensics, especially Cell Phone and Memory Forensics - Get yours Today!

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Adams-Maxwell has teamed up with the Computer Crime Institute at Dixie State University to provide a High Quality, yet Cost Effective system for removing, and preserving, memory chips from Mobile Devices, and Memory Devices.

For over 40 years, Adams-Maxwell Winding Systems has built an industry reputation for quality Bobbin winding and Coil Winding products and a "customer oriented attitude" that is dedicated to serving all the needs of our customers. Our reputation for quality coil winding machines continues with our chip off line. The 1820 Chip-Off System provides our forensic customers a High Quality Chip-Off System at a fraction of the cost of most avaialble machines. A professional engineering staff, highly skilled technicians, and manufacturing personnel all working together to produce the most reliable Chip Off products on the market.

The chip off procedure is the final solution to accessing information from problem phones including TracPhones, pattern-locked Androids, password protected Blackberries, and phones damaged beyond repair. By removing the NAND flash memory BGA chip from the PCB board and extracting a binary dump, a phone's operating system is by-passed. The 1820 Chip-Off System allows for safe and effective removal of NAND Flash memory BGA Chips; preserving the important information stored on the chips.

Adams Maxwell, Located in Camarillo California, offers a five day training workshop in chip-off forensics, which includes full training and instruction on effective use of the 1820 Chip Off System. This training gives students experience in dissassembling the phone, using the 1820 Chip-Off System to remove the BGA chip from the PCB, cleaning and repairing the chip, placing the chip in a programmer/adapter and extracting a binary image.


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Letters of Recommendation for the Chip-Off Work performed with the Adams-Maxwell 1820 Chip-Off System